Baker is also known as "South Broadway" to Denver locals. Baker's boundaries are inside West 6th Avenue, on the east by Broadway, on the south by West Mississippi Avenue, and on the west by the South Platte River. One of the most cozy neighborhoods with tons of Victorian homes, Baker has amazing thrifting and antique shopping, restaurants and sidewalks for walking the pup.
Learn about the housing market in Baker, Denver! If you have questions or would like some help navigating Denver's real estate market, let's chat!
Denver's Baker neighborhood is located close to downtown, South Broadway, nearby coffee shops and grocery stores and is right by 6th Ave when it's time to hop on the highway.
Downtown Denver: 2-8 minute drive
Denver International Airport: 25-35 minute drive
Red Rocks Park & Amphitheatre: 23-27 minute drive
The below map is a view of Denver's transit map in relation to the Baker neighorhood.
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